Energy Efficient Home Upgrades to Save Money and the Environment

Energy efficient home upgrades provide a strong return on investment and can increase your home’s value. Lowering your energy consumption is also a win for the environment.

Replace older appliances like refrigerators, washers and dryers with energy-efficient models. Install a programmable thermostat to keep your home at a consistent temperature throughout the day. And use LED lights, which use a fraction of the energy traditional bulbs.

1. Insulation

Insulation is a top home improvement that helps reduce energy costs by keeping homes warm in winter and cool in summer. Insulation can be added in attics, walls, crawl spaces, stairways, basement closets and other areas.

It reduces drafts and cold spots, lowers energy bills, acts as a sound barrier, keeps air quality better and more. It also helps protect the environment because fewer energy resources are used, which cuts carbon emissions and reduces climate change.

Home buyers today are interested in sustainability and high energy efficiency. Adding insulation and professional air sealing is an upgrade that will increase the value of a home, save on energy costs and help reduce the impact on our planet.

2. Insulated Doors

A good portion of energy that’s spent in homes is wasted through drafts and air leaks. Upgrading your home with insulation, heating and cooling systems, and insulated doors is an excellent way to cut down on waste and save money.

Insulated doors are important because they keep warm air from escaping during the winter and help to prevent cool air from leaving on hot summer days. They also protect against moisture that can lead to the growth of mold and pests. These upgrades are easy to do and often offer a high return on investment for homeowners. They are a great choice for increasing home value and making a positive impact on the environment.

3. Energy Star Appliances

Energy efficient appliances are an essential part of any energy-efficient home upgrade. They use significantly less energy than their less-efficient counterparts, and they last for years to come. Additionally, they can help reduce carbon emissions and prevent energy waste.

To receive the Energy Star label, an appliance must pass rigorous testing and meet strict energy efficiency guidelines. This includes washing machines, refrigerators, heating and cooling systems, and lighting. You can even find rebates to offset some of the upfront costs of these appliances. This is just one of many ways you can save money on your utility bills. Energy-efficient upgrades can be a great way to improve your home’s value and reduce its impact on the environment.

4. LED Lighting

Energy-efficient lighting is a great way to cut energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint. LED bulbs work at a lower temperature than traditional bulbs and last much longer, so you’ll need to replace them less often.

They also emit a brighter light and help you distinguish colors better. Plus, since they use less energy, manufacturers don’t need to produce as many bulbs to keep up with demand, which cuts production and environmental waste.

These upgrades will increase your home’s value and bolster your energy efficiency, which is important as energy prices continue to rise. Implement these upgrades at your own pace, focusing on those that make the most sense for your home’s needs and usage.

5. Energy Star Windows

Replacing windows is one of the home improvement projects with the best return on investment. It reduces energy costs, increases property value, and makes a home more desirable for buyers.

Energy efficient windows help keep a consistent temperature throughout the house, eliminating cold spots and hot areas. They also protect against the sun’s rays, preserving furniture, carpeting and paint.

ENERGY STAR windows are independently certified to meet strict NFRC energy efficiency guidelines. These guidelines vary by climate zone. Check the NFRC label for your region to find the U-factor and SHGC ratings that work best for you.

6. High-Efficiency Heating and Cooling

With energy costs and environmental concerns on the rise, it’s more important than ever to invest in home upgrades that reduce your reliance on grid-supplied power. Energy-efficient appliances, smart thermostats, LED lighting, new windows and insulation are just some of the many home improvements that can help save money, cut carbon emissions and add resale value.

Upgrading to ENERGY STAR ® appliances like refrigerators, washers and dryers, and ductless heat pump water heaters can add up to significant savings in electricity and natural gas bills. A professional home assessment can help you determine what’s the best upgrade for your home.

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